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It's my turn to talk about "Anne with an E"


Mads! I finally did it. I watched Anne with an E. I remember you gushing about this show forever ago and telling me how much you thought I would enjoy it. I put it off for so long but today while baking I decided it was time, and let me tell you, I. AM. SOLD.

It is quite likely that I am jumping the gun writing this after only one episode but there are some strong first impressions that I really want to capture. The first of these being Anne’s character. There were a couple of times where I found myself cringing a little in the familiar way that I do inwardly to myself. The flowery way that Anne speaks, reminded me of my own thoughts and journaling style, but I could never imagine actually speaking that way until listening to Anne. I thought that it was so beautiful to see how she was so uninhibited by people’s reactions to how she spoke and story told. Mads it was really inspiring to witness how impactful it is to use the voice you have been given and to do so with confidence. The other half of Anne’s character that I really loved was how straightforward she was, this is not something that comes naturally to me, but I wish it did. Maybe it is a practice and someday I shall speak frankly and flowery- so lookout. I felt so connected to Anne in just a short time. The way that she speaks and dreams and views the world is how I often do in my own life, but unlike Anne, I try to hide it. I was awestruck by the beautiful way that Anne handled her trauma alongside constantly chasing all things beautiful and romantic about life.

The second piece of this first episode that struck me was the gorgeous shots of Prince Edward Island, I now fully understand why you are always telling me you want to go to Canada! The picturesque countryside is covered in rolling fields of meadowy looking grasses that are just begging someone to frolic in them. The cliffs on the water’s edge look like the perfect place to act out that line from Taylor Swift’s “Hoax” where she says, “stood on the cliffside screaming, ‘give me a reason.’” There is a melody to the camera shots that just SING to me Madison! The dramatic use of light and color creates a contrast that is really fun to watch. I appreciated the honesty of dark nights in a home without electricity. It’s cliche but it really does make the morning light seem that much brighter and pure. Since starting this post I’ve watched a couple more episodes and want to share with you the shot that has stuck with me the most. In the second episode, Marilla is looking out the window watching her brother and Anne make their way through the gate. I’m going to leave a screenshot of the clip here and then below I’ll share my reactions

TELL ME THIS ISN’T A PAINTING?? The sunny farm warped through the panes framed in shadow with the reflection of an astonished Marilla looking on!! The waviness of the farmyard reminded me of “The Scream” by Edvard Munch maybe because the fences resemble the bridge in the painting and how the face of Marilla looks. Anyway! I paused and stared at this shot for far too long because I found this to be an extremely effective use of imagery, I hope that you did as well.

A third impression I got was just the overall vibe of the show. I really enjoyed the slowness of the countryside and the depth of the characters. The old fashioned way they speak is so refreshing to me and I really enjoyed listening to the blunt way that the characters express their feelings and intentions towards each other when they choose to. There is a familiarity between characters that I wouldn’t call a kindness, there is not a whole lot of warmth but you can see how there is so much love.

I am so so glad I finally got around to your recommendation Mads and am going to pass that recommendation on to any readers who have not seen this show...


to read Maddie's thorough review of the whole series click here !!



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