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Hey Good morning!

Two friends. Different universities. Same passion for analyzing and appreciating art in many forms. From literature, music, fine art, and film, our mission is to create a space to continue the chats we struggle to maintain over the distance and invite others into the conversation.

Hey! I’m Madison and I’m a freshman at the University of Northern Iowa studying social work and psychology. Some of my favorite things to do in my free time include writing, volunteering, doing yoga, watching movies, reading, and working out (...sometimes). I’m a sucker for anything that makes me laugh and am always in the mood to discover new art forms that that make me see the world in a different perspective. I definitely spend too much time trying to convince my friends to watch/read/listen to whatever I’m currently obsessed with, so I can’t wait to share my thoughts on here with HP and you as well!

Good morning! My name is Hope and I am a freshman in college at Iowa State University. I am studying Communication and English, yay double majors. Reading has always been something that I loved and sharing what I’m reading/watching/listening to and getting to fangirl with my friends about it is such a special thing. Some of my other hobbies include running, taking care of my plants, hanging out with my family, journaling, and creating playlists. Maddie and I have been discussing our latest reads and things we have seen since middle school and haven’t let college stop us, even if we needed to find a different format. I am so glad you are here to join in this journey with us through all that we fangirling over.

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