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I'm in a Marching Band That Doesn't Move (and it's weird)

Hey Hope!

In normal times, this is the perfect time of year to break out the sweatshirts, knit hats, and popcorn, gearing up for college football season. But like a lot of things this year (thanks, corona) this college football season is looking anything but normal. As you know, HP, I’m in the marching band on my college campus. And I love it!

Last year I was introduced to college a week early for band camp, and band was one of the best parts of my day! I felt more confident getting introduced to campus, and I felt like by the time classes started, I already knew people who made me feel comfortable in the new environment. I loved getting to move around the field and make intricate shapes with people who would soon become my close friends. To me, there is nothing better than performing with people you care about, making music, and having fun while doing it! I was even happier because right before we got sent home last semester, I found out that I got the leadership position that I applied for; this year I would be in charge of teaching everyone in the clarinet section proper marching fundamentals. I could help out the new students in my section and make their college transition as smooth as possible. I was so excited to do this because I remember how much that sense of community that began at band camp meant to me. But when COVID took a turn for the worse and we found out it was dangerous for bands to be moving and playing at the same time, band camp was cancelled. We had to quickly figure out a way to keep the music and sense of belonging alive in a time when there is so much sadness and separation.

As you can guess, HP, my job as a marching leader has kind of become obsolete and I really was upset by this (and I still am, let's be honest). I’m still a leader for the section, but I’ve been feeling like I’m not doing enough. On the other hand, I have to try to remember that because of all the changes this year, I’m not physically able to do the original job I was chosen for. We had hours of zoom calls with the leadership team over the summer (about 100 of us) talking through the logistics of how we can have a group of almost 300 musicians on a football field who have to be 6 feet apart. Not to mention the air particles and everything that comes out of our instruments! So, our solution was to give the brass pantyhose over their bells, and the woodwinds have purple and white pillowcases over our instruments that we tie just underneath our mouthpieces (see picture of me struggling after putting the bag on for the first time). We also have to wear two masks, one of which we discard right before we play and the one underneath with a slit cut in the mouth area for when we’re playing. I have to stuff my hands into two cinched holes of the bag so I can play the notes of my clarinet.

In conclusion: yikes. This year has been very stressful for everyone, and sometimes I can’t believe the innovative ways people are coming up with in order to try and be safe while having normalcy in at least some capacity. I’m so glad that I can still make music with a great group of talented students, but sometimes it can be so hard not to yearn for the way we could play music without having to stress or worry over safety precautions. HP, I really miss learning marching band drill. I never thought I’d say that, but I can’t kick myself enough for not fully appreciating what we were able to accomplish both on the field and off when life was pre-pandemic. *Here’s a picture of me and my roommate, Hailey, at our first outdoor socially distanced concert outside last Friday!*

I’m grateful that I can still perform, but it doesn’t hold a candle to what we used to be able to do. We all just spread out on the field and stand in place while playing the music. No halftime show, no getting close to each other, no smell of popcorn or hugging a loved one after a touchdown. That being said, it’s easy to focus on all the things I miss. One positive thing to come from this is that we sound really good. We sound better than we ever have because now we have so much more time to focus on the instrumentation and the accuracy of what we’re playing. (Here's our first Panther Marching Band Performance! *covid edition* My favorite song we did is at 7:23, Come Together by the Beatles)

HP, if life ever goes back to normal after this (and I hope it will) I hope I can remember how incredibly lucky we are to be able to share experiences and closeness with other people. Not having to guess what someone is thinking or saying because we can only see half of their face with their mask on. Not getting my fingers scrunched up and caught in a pillowcase when I just want to hit a C# note on the clarinet. Not having to think twice before going in for a high five.

When this is all over, I want to realize all the things that we take for granted each day, and take the time to appreciate the people and things and life going on around me that I’m able to take part in. And I’m going love every minute of it. Stay safe girl.


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